Protect Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (AOM) in Kansas.
Write Your Kansas Senator and Representative and Thank Them for passing the Kansas Acupuncture Practice Act.
Effective in 2017 Kansas became the 46th state to license acupuncture. This means that:
1) Licensed Acupuncturists in Kansas meet the national standards for acupuncture training outlined by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).
2) While there are many health professions that do some acupuncture or needling, only the title "Licensed Acupuncturist" or "L.Ac." indicates a complete AOM knowledge base.
3) Kansans can now go to a Licensed Acupuncturist without a referral or a supervising doctor.
4) Licensed Acupuncturists can practice independently and are credentialed in Kansas to work in institutional settings.
To find your legislators click on the link below, enter your address, then click on the names to see the contact info for the legislative session.
Once you find the names you can click the link below to find their contact information.
contact information for Kansas legislators
This shows the Representatives names, and, scroll down for the Senators names. When clicked, the names will show you their contact information - under their photo.
You can help by contacting your legislator in support of Licensed Acupuncture issues in Kansas.
You have a state Representative and a state Senator, and may have an additional for your business address.
Tips for meeting and talking with your Kansas legislators:
1) Tell your legislator where you live and that you are a voter in their district.
2) Tell them why you care about safe, fully-trained licensed acupuncture and the Licensed Acupuncture profession.
3) Answer questions as you can.
4) If you don’t know the answer refer them to the KsAOM Board members or tell them you will get back to them with answers
5) Be positive. Legislators want to hear about their constituents concerns and interests.
6) Thank them for their time and consideration.
To hear what Kansans have to say about acupuncture, and acupuncture licensing, we took a road trip in 2015 and asked them. An Executive Summary of the documentary can be viewed here: On the Road for Acupuncture, the Executive Summary.